Nature Program

159 hectares
15.500 planted native trees and shrubs

Guided by a profound admiration and respect for nature, sculptor Pablo Atchugarry planted, over a period of 8 years, 15.500 native trees and shrubs in the land that today conforms the Garzón Sculpture Park. His intention was to generate a natural island for today and the future, where nature and art would grow hand in hand.


Our Nature Program, led by Dr. Adrián Azpiroz, who holds a PhD in Biology, promotes the knowledge and respect for the landscape, flora and fauna of the region.

The Park will provide guided visits to explore the changes in the landscape and in their inhabitants throughout the year.

In order to navigate and explore the Park and its surrounding, we have created a guide that includes a sample of Garzón’s native wildlife with biological descriptions about a variety of animals and plants, most of which are present year-round. The guide is available free of charge at the park.

The information is organized into seasonal references (migratory movements, flowering periods, bird breeding seasons, etc.) showcasing which animals and plants are present at which time of the year.

Unfortunately some species have already disappeared from this region. This highlights the need to protect natural habitats in order to assure the benefits derived from biological diversity forever.

The 15,500 native trees and shrubs, which have been planted in Garzón Sculpture Park, will provide new foraging and refuge opportunities for wildlife.

_0034_01C_Viudita_Negra Copetona_302501C_Crested-Black-Tyrant
_0029_03B_Ranita_Trepadora_Hypsiboas pulchellus3B_Montevideo-Tree-Frog
_0027_04B_Tortuga de Canaleta_708504B_Black-Spiny-necked-Swamp-Turtle
_0024_05A_Lechuzon Orejudo_749805A_Striped-Owl
_0022_05C_Lobito de Rio_971405C_Neotropical-Otter
_0018_07A_Pava de Monte_0507A_Dusky-legged-Guan
_0026_07C_Cuervo Cabeza Negra_396807C_-Black-Vulture
_0011_09A_Perdiz Nido_028009A_Spotted-Nothura
_0010_09B_Palo de Fierro_064909B_Myrrhinium
_0009_09C_Cuervillo de Canada_965809C_White-faced-Ibis
_0008_10A_Clavel del Aire_043510A_Air-Plant
_0015_10B_Venado de Campo_800510B_Pampas-Deer
_0004_11B_Zorro Gris_977511B_Pampas-Fox
_0002_12A_Aranero Olivaceo_038712A_White-browed-Warbler
_0001_12B_Sapito de Darwin_060712B_-Montevideo-Red-belly-Toad
_0000_12C_Tuna_Parodia mamulosa_1012C_Tom-Thumb--Cactus
_0021_06A_Pajonalera Pico Recto_702613A_Straight-billed-Reedhaunter
_0016_07C_Aguila Mora_630513B_Black-chested-Buzzard-Eagle
You can download this guide in both English and Spanish here:
PhD Adrián Azpiroz

Jaki Charrúa