
Garzón Sculpture Park provides a unique platform in the region for artists to create and exhibit outdoor sculpture and installations to be enjoyed in nature.


The Park will offer one exhibition a year, which will dialogue with the permanent collection. This collection includes work by the following artists:

Luca Benites, Humberto Cazorla , Daniel Papaleo, Octavio Podestá, Diego Santurio, Peter Schwickerath, Alan Sonfist, Verónica Vázquez, Janinne Wolfsohn, Eduardo Basualdo.

Peter Schwickerath, Garzon Sculpture Park

Moataz Nasr, Sunboat. NIROX Sculture Park

The first exhibition will take place in collaboration with NIROX Sculpture Park, South Africa. NIROX is situated in the Cradle of Humankind, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its wealth of geological and paleo-anthropological resources.

Africa separated from South America when the South Atlantic Ocean opened about 140 million years ago. Garzón and NIROX share surprising similar latitude.

This first show, opening in December 2020, will launch a bridge between African and Latin American Art. Artists from both continents will create site-specific works in the parks, generating a transatlantic conversation across space and culture.


About the permanent collection